Davinack Research Group @ Wheaton College
Former Undergraduate Research Students and Projects
Leo Bennett (B.S. Biology) - Genetic characterization of Viviparus georgianus in the Adirondack Park
Sarah Barnum (B.S. Biology) - Global connectivity patterns of the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium using contemporary and ancient DNA barcode data
Carolyn Jessop (B.S. Biology) - Global connectivity of Sars-COV-2 based on analysis of the complete ORF1ab gene region
Emma Foss (B.S. Biology, Environmental Science & Policy) - DNA barcoding of polychaetes collected from the New England coast (Polynoidae)
Colleen Bullard (B.S. Biomolecular Science, Biology) - DNA barcoding of polychaetes collected from the New England coast (Terebellidae and Nerididae)
Herbert Fountain (B.S. Biomolecular Science) - Scanning the COVID-19 genome for candidate genes to use for phylogeographic analyses **now a PhD student at Cornell University Biomedical Sciences Program
Arletty Arias (B.S. Biology) - Scanning the COVID-19 genome for candidate genes to use for phylogeographic analyses
Alison Parker (B.S. Biology) - DNA barcoding of liver flukes from white tailed deer in northern New York **now a DVM student at Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine
Margaret Dedloff (B.S. Biology, History) - Assessing the efficacy of three mitochondrial DNA markers in delineating Mytilus galloprovincialis from Mytilus edulis **now a PhD student in UNC School of Medicine’s Microbiology and Immunology Program
Kayli Harling (B.S. Biology) - Assessing the efficacy of the 12S DNA marker in delineating Mytilus galloprovincialis from Mytilus edulis
Hallie Boyer (B.S. Biology) - Effects of carbon dioxide induced acidification on growth and shell repair rates of Planorbis snails from the Adirondack Park
Julia Rizzo (B.S. Biology) - Effects of hypersalinity on native pond snails from the northeastern United States
Jordan Cahill (B.S. Biology) - DNA barcoding of polychaete worms collected from the 2019 New England Rapid Assessment Survey of non-indigenous marine species **now a DPT student Columbia University
Sara Cote (B.S. Biology) - Surveying aquatic biodiversity within the Adirondack Park using mtDNA barcoding
Andrew Trudeau (B.S. Biology) - Comparisons of 16S and CO1 barcode markers in delineating two Caribbean nerite snails.
Ethan O’Leary (B.S. Basic Science) - First report of Sinotaia cf. quadrata in North America based on morphological and molecular data
Hannah Beebie (B.S. Biology) - Effects of CO2 induced acidification on shell dissolution of an invasive aquatic gastropod in northern NY.
Lily Pettit (B.S. Environmental Engineering) - Effects of CO2 induced acidification on growth and shell repair of Viviparus georgainus in northern New York
Meghan Edmund (B.S. Environmental Science & Policy) - Effects of CO2 induced acidification on growth and shell repair of Viviparus georgainus in northern New York
Kasie Stamp (B.S. Biology) - Preliminary investigation into the monophyly of the Polydora-complex within the Spiondae based on CO1, 16S and 28S archive sequence datasets
Michael Krick (B.S. Biology) - DNA barcoding polychaete worms collected from the 2018 New England Rapid Assessment Survey of non-indigenous marine species
Kendall Gardner (B.S. Biology) - Repurposing archived CO1 sequence data to revisit the zebra mussel invasion of the Great Lakes of North America
Thomas Pickett (B.S. Biology) - Global phylogeographic pattern of the invasive mollusc, Mytilus galloprovincialis using archived CO1 sequence data
Ashley Lewis (B.S. Biology) - Taxonomic investigation of the Viviparidae in northern New York
Hanson Zhou (B.S. Biology) - Statistical analysis of parasite load in the invasive mollusc, Viviparus georgianus from the Raquette River in northern New York
Susie Verra (B.S. Biology) - DNA barcoding and genetic confirmation of the invasive gastropod, Viviparus georgianus from the Adirondack region of northern New York